
Executive HPM Faculty Directory

Executive HPM draws on the distinguished faculty, programs and academics of the nationally renowned UCLA Fielding School of Public Health. Courses are taught by leading practitioners and researchers in the field of public health, health policy and healthcare management, as well as faculty from UCLA’s other graduate schools and management-related fields. Their expertise spans clinical practice, applied research, policy analysis, entrepreneurship, and consultation at the local, national and international level.

Alicia Macklin, JD, MPH

Course: Legal Environment of Health Services Management

Avram Kaplan, MPH

Course: Integrated Health Systems

Becky Yano, PhD, MSPH

Course: Practices of Evaluation in Health Service: Theory and Methodology

UCLA Professor Brenda Freshman wearing eyeglassess with her hair pulled back from her face as she wears a red blazer and grey neck scarf

Course: Human Resource Management in Healthcare

UCLA Professor Burt Cowgill wearing plaid grey button up shirt against a tan background, indoors

Course: Health Systems Organization and Financing

UCLA faculty Dhruv Khurana with a beard and mustached wearing navy suit, tie, and white collared shirt

Course: Microeconomic Theory of Health Sector

Hannah Reischl

Course: Data Analytics

Isomi Miake-Lye, PhD

Course: Practices of Evaluation in Health Service: Theory and Methodology

Jeff Helton in navy suit and red tie with image blurred in the background

Course: Healthcare Financial Management

  • Program: MHA
Jennifer Wortham, PhD

Course: Healthcare Quality and Performance Management

Jonathan Freedman

Course: Health Reform: Policy, Research, and Implementation Issues

Julie Elginer, DrPH, MBA

Course: Building Advocacy Skills: Reproductive Health Focus
Course: Healthcare Marketing

Kevin Baldwin

Course: Healthcare Systems Information & Technology

Laura Erskine, PhD, MBA

Program Director, MHA
Courses: Management & Organizational Behavior in Health Systems
Leadership & Ethics

Leah Vriesman, PhD, MHA, MBA

Course: Healthcare Strategy

Linda Magara Horner, MBA

Course: Healthcare Strategy

Martin Lee, PhD

Course: Introduction to Biostatistics

Michael Galper, MPH

Course: Healthcare Financial Accounting
Course: Applied Field Project

Moira Inkelas indoors wearing a navy blazer

Course: Quality Improvement and Performance Excellence

UCLA Professor Paul Fu

Course: Healthcare Innovations & eHealth

UCLA Professor Sandra Potthoff standing outdoors in red blazer and top

Course: Healthcare Operations Management

  • Program: MHA
Shira Shafir, PhD, MPH

Course: Principles of Public Health

Sophie Snyder, PhD

Course: Data Analytics – Identifying, Collecting, and Analyzing Data in Healthcare

Tom Armentrout-Wiswall, MPH, MBA

Course: Healthcare Financial Management

Tom Gordon

Course: Leadership Capstone Seminar

Tony Schiff, JD, MPH

Course: Legal Environment of Health Services Management

Yvette Holguin, MBA

Course: Health Services Organization and Management Theory

Dr. Yvonne Flores standing outside wearing a navy blue top

Course: Global Health Institutions, Policies, and Systems