Winter 2024 Newsletter
Click here for full newsletter.
We have two new members who have joined the Executive Programs Office: Monica Boerger, EMPH Student Affairs Officer, and Gigi Hooghkirk, Marketing Strategist, and we are very excited about the direction we are headed.
In Spring 2023, our first MHA cohort completed the program. Congratulations to our graduates! Launched in 2021, the program is going strong and continues to expand. This June, nearly 60 candidates will walk at graduation. With 18 courses offered a quarter, we continue to bring in new and dynamic course facilitators.
Next year, the EMPH program celebrates its 30th anniversary, and this past fall we welcomed ten new Year 1 students into the program from diverse backgrounds including architecture, journalism, nursing, data science, and pharma. One student relocated to Los Angeles from Shanghai, specifically for this program.
Led by Professor Mike Galper, Year 2 EMPH students presented their consulting projects last quarter on subjects ranging from intimate partner violence to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). They embark on their business plans this quarter and the winner will be announced at Health Policy and Management Alumni Association’s (HPMAA) signature event, the “Leaders of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow” annual dinner on April 25, 2024, so save the date.
More information to follow from the Fielding School.
Please let your colleagues know about our alumni referral program. If someone recommends our executive programs to a friend or colleague and the referral is accepted into the program, we will send the referee a gift card as a special thank you.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our faculty and students in both executive programs for their commitment to public health. Together, we are making our world a better place.
Wishing you all a productive and successful academic year!
Kyle Sullivan, MSW
Director, Executive Programs in HPM